Do not use a Cellphone or Cordless DECT Phone, or Wi-Fi device in close proximity, within 2 hours of retiring to bed, as this will affect your brain and might affect you from falling asleep and the quality of your sleep.
EMFs are affecting the brain, how it metabolises glucose.
- This research was done by Dr. Nora Volkow
Internet References:
- Cell Phone Radiation Affects Normal Functioning of the Human Brain - Dr. Nora Volkow
- Study published in the journal JAMA confirm that use cell phones affect brain activity - Dr. Nora Volkow
Internet Cross-References:
Although LTE is too new for the long-term health consequences to have been studied, we have considerable evidence that long-term cell phone use is associated with various health risks including increased risk of head and neck cancers, sperm damage, and reproductive health consequences for offspring (i.e., ADHD).