End Covert Electronic Harassment

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Country Global
Category Politics
(Orig.) Publ.Date: 2015-07-16
References https://www.covertharassmentconference.com/

Senator Rand Paul:
President Obama and Congress can not continue to be blind to the injustices of covert electronic harassment and torture (using military grade weaponry) on millions of non-consensual, law abiding citizens inside the privacy of their home! Because you lead the heroic effort to dismantle parts of the Patriot Act, we are kindly asking you to take the lead once more to prohibit and investigate the barbaric act of Electronic Harassment by means of Executive Order or Legislation.

See: https://www.covertharassmentconference.com/

Started: 2015-07-16
Current: 2015-07-22
- There are currently 75 signatures. NEW goal - We need 100 signatures!

Website URL http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/end-covert-electronic.fb49?source=http://e-h-s.wikidot.com/petitions:end-covert-electronic-harassment
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