Alan Knott-Craig (Sen)

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Illness 1) 2nd Heart Attack, 2) Mild Stroke
Date: (if known)
passed away No
Company 1) Vodacom, 2) Cell C
Industry Communications & Wireless
Country South Africa
References CEO
Website URL
YouTube URL

In 2006, while CEO of Vodacom, Mr Knott-Craig suffered his second heart attack. Mr Knott-Craig was the founding CEO of Vodacom. He retired in 2008.

Apparently he has had two heart-attacks and nearly did not survive the last one.

Nov 18, 2013: Cell C CEO Alan Knott-Craig suffered a minor stroke on Monday, 18 November 2013

Search the Internet for: Alan Knott-Craig (Sen) and/or the Illness and with EMF

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