EMF Summit 2014
More Information is available on the website of the
EMF Summit 2014

World's first Free Online EMF Summit
( 2014-09-02, Tue ~ 2014-12-09, Tue )
Date Speaker Description Topic
1 2014-09-02 Tue Dr. Samuel Milham physician-epidemiologist who first alerted the world about electromagnetic exposure in various careers and the link to human disease Dirty Electricity: How We Can Co-exist With This Powerful Technology and Its Inherent Dangers
2 2014-09-09 Tue Dr. Ross Andersen EMF Consultant and retired Chiropractor & Naturopathic physician Why We Resist Knowing and How Our Fun Toys can Bite Us
3 2014-09-16 Tue Dave Stetzer retired military electrician with top secret clearance who has dedicated the past ten years to cleaning up Dirty Electricity The Health Benefits of Filtering Dirty Electricity
4 2014-09-23 Tue Dr. Magda Havas Trent University professor currently working with electrically hypersensitive individuals and researching Sick Building Syndrome as it relates to power quality in schools Biological Effects of EMF and RF on people with MS, Diabetes and more.
5 2014-09-30 Tue Dr. Martin Blank research on the damage Electromagnetic Radiation causes to the DNA of our cells indicates the need for greater caution and control over the spread of EMR in the environment Adopting the Precautionary Principle
6 2014-10-07 Tue Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman internationally acclaimed nutritionalist, visionary health expert, and best-selling author How to Outsmart the Hazards of Electronic Pollution
7 2014-10-14 Tue Sharon Noble founder of Stop Smart Meters BC and co-director of Citizens for Safe Technology Our Choices With a Government Supported by a Corrupt Industry
8 2014-10-21 Tue Farren Lander specialist in electropollution consulting, detection and protection How Smart Meters Impact Your Health, Privacy, Safety and Pocketbook
9 2014-10-28 Tue Karen Mileson sick house‘survivor and author. She was ill for many years without understanding why. When her husband also became ill and died she discovered their home was killing them Is Your House Sick From Geopathic Stress and EMF Radiation?
10 2014-11-04 Tue Dr. Barrie Trower retired microwave military expert and consultant for British Secret Intelligence Service MI5 and MI6. He came out of retirement as he was appalled by children being exposure to wireless in schools How Microwave Weapons Mirror Today’s Wireless Frequency
11 2014-11-11 Tue Chitvan Malik CEO of BEMER India. Chitvan's extensive knowledge of BEMER vascular therapy illustrates how we can use electromagnetic pulses to increase circulation and minimize the negative effects of EMF radiation on our body BEMER The Healthy Side of Electromagnetic Fields
12 2014-11-18 Tue Dr Olle Johansson research on EHS symptoms was in part responsible for Sweden recognizing EHS as a disability How to Recognize, Avoid and Deal with Symptoms of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
13 2014-11-25 Tue Kevin Kunze award winning film maker whose latest film examines the most recent scientific research into negative health effects of cell phone, legislative efforts, and corporate influence on public health Cell Phones: radiation health effects including cancer and infertility
14 2014-12-02 Tue Josh del Sol award winning film maker whose latest film Take Back Your Power looks into the dark side of Smart Meters. Josh is working on a new project, a film sequel looking at solutions. He has made a special viewing code EMFsummit that can be used here to view the film for $1 Take Back Your Power - Solutions to Smart Meters
15 2014-12-09 Tue Allen Reed consultant to individuals and businesses for over 28 years. He assists people in ecological regeneration, harmonization of geopathic stress, identification of site locations, and shielding EMF, RF, and dirty electricity with natural minerals, and other elements Nature’s Shielding Solutions to Manage a Healthy Life in an EMF Filled World
16 2014-12-16 Tue Nicole Bijlsma an accomplished naturopath, acupuncturist and building biologist. Following a reproductive immunologist’s diagnosis of an over-reactive immune system, her 10 miscarriages and the fact that she and her husband were sleeping in a high level magnetic field meter box and above geopathic stress Nicole took action to clean her environment. Nicole currently lives with her husband Mark and three children – Sidney, Flynn and Charlotte EMF Radiation: Infertility, Miscarriages, Children At Risk
17 2014-12-23 Tue Dr Martha Herbert is a pediatric neurologist and a brain development researcher at Harvard University. For nearly two decades her main clinical, research and advocacy focus was on autism Autism and the EMF Radiation Connection

More Information is available on the website of the
EMF Summit 2014

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